Sunday was a usually Sunday...until service. Church started and it was so good Pastor didn't even get to preach. I love those services!!!! (No offense Pastor Turpin!) It is just what I needed. It is in God where I find my strength to go on day after day. I felt so much peace after church.
Keeleigh was AWESOME at church. She came up to help me with the kids and she sat with us for the short time we were sitting. Mashella helped during prayer by taking the kids and letting me pray for a few moments without interruption. Several others came to offer to help.
After church we went to Country Buffet to Pastor's Birthday Party. It was SO funny watching him open the "40+ Survival Kit". It was a great time. BUT STACIIIII, gave the kids Sprite, Icee, and of course they had cake at the party. They were so hyper. Sister S. Yarberry and Staci were a great help to me while trying to serve 3 kids and feed myself. I did get to talk to Matt via text today. I felt like a kid in the candy store talking to him.
I was already tired. Then...I got a skype call from Tammy! We talked until 0100! LOL Tammy and I NEVER shut up. Then we got to teasing each other and taking goofy pics of each other. I always love talking to Tammy!
Nothing really eventful happened.